27th - 28th May 2016,
Azores University,Ponta Delgada,Portugal
Call for Papers
Welcome to the official website of 2ndINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTION AND DEMOCRACY – 2ndICED 2016. Elections are key components of any democratic system. It is a medium that allows citizens to choose individuals and parties to represent their interests at state and/or national level and to formulate and uphold laws that not only conform to internationally recognized standards but that act as a check and balance to unbridled executive power. As well, there is the view that often, what is promised in elections is seldom, if at all, translated into real policy that strengthens democracy and improves governance practices. This situation is also often negatively exacerbated when narrow-minded political exigencies of an authoritarian government demands the forging of ‘political compromises’ built on abstract ‘social contracts’ that disdain larger democratic interests so as to preserve ‘national security’, ‘ethnic harmony’ and ‘religious primacy’.Given this evident dichotomy and conflict between political theory and political reality, the Department of Politics and International Relations feels compelled to host a regular International Conference on Elections and Democracy that would play a role in structuring future discourse on elections and democracy in a more rational and intellectual fashion among researchers and practitioners alike. Through this conference, it is hoped that politicians, political parties, bureaucrats, researchers, the media and general public would not only begin to understand and appreciate how electoral systems and electoral practices impact democratic governance (and vice-versa) but also to advocate better media, electoral and governance practices so as to advance the cause of democracy and good governance practices.
Please note that though you need send a proposed title and abstract at this stage, speakers are encouraged to submit a full paper before the conference. The conference will bring together academics, discussion and networking place for academics, Journalist, NGO’s, scientist, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives, advanced students, and others. In addition, all the submitted full papers will be included in the conference proceedings CD and proceeding book. The selected best papers are published world reputed Journals also all the papers are publish our website research library page and all the presentation videos publish on YouTube and social media.
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